Film Review: "Fluoridegate..." The Health Risks of Fluoride
Fluoridation of Water is a Meritless Government Policy That Has Destructive Effects on Human Health!
For those who follow our Facebook page this will not be news: we oppose water fluoridation. Fluoride is an industrial by-product that has made its way into our water supplies in the name of health; however, it is far from healthy. Please watch the film entitled Fluoridegate to become familiar with how fluoride interacts with human physiology, and the onslaught of other toxins to which a modern human is exposed, to spell disaster for human health.
In the film, you will hear from former EPA (PhD-level) scientists about how their concerns regarding “safe levels” of fluoride in drinking water were summarily dismissed. You will hear from one who lost his job after his honest research findings did not match the government agenda of fluoridation. You will also hear the testimony of a pediatrician (MD), a dentist, several professors (PhD-level), concerned citizen researchers, and attorneys involved in the fight against mass poisoning by fluoride.
The film discusses that certain genetic predispositions and health conditions can leave particular individuals less able to handle fluoride consumption without adverse health effects. Furthermore, if you have plumbing fixtures that contain lead (which most of us do, being that only a couple states have passed legislation against such fixtures . . . and only in recent years) fluoridated water can free lead from your fixtures and put it in your drinking glass and bath water. We have discussed lead and the fact that there are no safe levels in the past. Lead is a potent neurotoxin that can lead to developmental delays and other neurological issues.
As with most of the toxins we discuss, our children likely suffer the most from fluoridation. They are smaller and, therefore, their bodies are affected more severely by the fluoride levels in drinking water–levels that are not even safe for adult consumption. At our houses, fluoride is filtered out of our water. Please consider doing the same to protect the health of your family!
This article was originally published on our now decommissioned site back on February 16, 2013.